5 Reasons to buy NZ made Electric Fencing?
1/ Better Labour Practices
At Farmgate Direct, we pay higher than the living wage and have done for 20 years. We value our people, we value their skills and pay them well. Ethically, we could not feel comfortable purchasing goods from countries where they do not look after their employee's rights. The countries with the cheapest manufactured goods often have no guarantees for worker health/rights/conditions.
2/ Lower Trade Deficit
Why buy products that your retailer is forced to buy foreign currency and import goods when this simply impacts on the trade deficit. For goods we do not produce, fine - we need the goods and must get them, but for products we make here in NZ, it is a no brainer to purchase local goods from local producers who employ locals who all pay taxes to benefit NZ as a country.
3/ Kiwis keeping Kiwis employed
When you buy from Farmgate Direct, you can come to the factory we have in East Tamaki, Auckland, see the machine we use to make the products, and meet those who run those machines. When you call, you will have a Kiwi answer the phone, no customer service out-sourcing companies used.
4/ Kiwi made for Kiwi Farms
We manufacture Polyethylene with the Maximum UV Stabilizer to ensure our product is better quality than the rest. It stands up to the NZ sun and will do for many many years. Other retailers that make their products overseas hope the UV stabilizers are present in their foreign-made products.
5/ Aiming for the highest quality at a fair price
When others make it with .15mm stainless steel wire, Farmgate Direct use .20mm wire. When others used 4 wires, Farmgate Direct use 6 stainless steel wires. Others use 4 reflective strands, Farmgate Direct put in 6 reflective strands. When they use 800 Denier Polyethylene, we use 1000-1100 Denier Polyethylene. Our Electric Bungy has two sleeves to protect it, our competition uses a single sleeve. Our aim is to have a better quality product at a fair price, which is often cheaper as well.
Proud to be an NZ Manufacturer, Retailer, Employer and Owned/Operated by Kiwis.